Ulrike Sabine Pielmeier, PhD studie i Sundhedsvidenskab og Teknologi.
Flittig klimadebattør og medlem af Advisory Board med ansvar for klima & sundhed.
Sekretær i Klimarealismes bestyrelse
Ulrike Sabine Pielmeier, PhD studie i Sundhedsvidenskab og Teknologi.
Flittig klimadebattør og medlem af Advisory Board med ansvar for klima & sundhed.
Sekretær i Klimarealismes bestyrelse
Troen på klimaet, Søren Hansen
Solving the Climate Puzzle, Javier Vinós
Climate of the Past, Present and Future, Javier Vinós
Climate Uncertainty and Risk, Judith A. Curry
alt det ingen har fortalt os om atomkraft, Hans Jørgen Nielsen
Fallen Icon, Susan J. Crockford
Fossil Future, Alex Epstein
Doubt and Certainly in Climate Science, Alan Longhurst
The Past and Future of Climate – Why the world is cooling and why carbon dioxide won´t make a detectable difference, D. Archibald
The Age of Global Warming: A History, R. Darwall
Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn´t, and Why It Matters, S. E. Koonin
32 myter om klimaet du ikke skal hoppe på – læs hvorfor, hvis du tør, Johannes Krüger
Climate at a glance, Anthony Watts et al.
Klima Antiklimaks, Kent Andersen
Searching for the catastrophe signal. The origins of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, B. Lewin
Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn´t Want You to Know, G. Wrightstone,
Climate Change – The Facts 2020, J. Marohasy (ed.)
Klimaprofeti – Vores nye religion, Lars Forring
Klimamyten, Johannes Krüger
Det Ustyrlige Klima, Ole Humlum
The Chilling Stars, Henrik Svensmark
Klimaplan 2030 – Realisme eller Utopi?, Søren Hansen
Kejserens Grønne Klæder, Jens Robdrup
Miljømytene, Morten Jødal
False Alarm, Bjørn Lomborg
Apocalypse Never, Michael Shellenberger
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, Marc Morano
Unerwünschte Wahrheiten, Fritz Vahrenholt & Sebastian Lüning
Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom, Patrick Moore
The Rational Climate e-book, Patrice Poyet
Green Fraud, Marc Morano
Klimadämmerung, Frank Hennig