Here is the final program for the preconference seminar about carbon cycle and possible global cooling. Arranged by Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen and Jan-Erik Solheim:
Preconference on DTU Campus Lyngby September 14, 2023
Meeting room S09 in building 101
Chairperson: Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen
Karl Iver Dahl-Madsen: Opening remarks
1. Jan-Erik Solheim: Challenge in estimating atmospheric CO2.
2. Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen: The global carbon cycle in an Earth System Model,
3. Hermann Harde: Understanding Increasing CO2.
4. Hans Schroeder: The CO2 Cycle.
5. Antero Ollila: Carbon Dioxide circulation.
6. Johannes Oraug, CO2 the gas of life.
7. Karl Iver Dahl- Madsen: The Carbon Balance shows that net-zero is neither necessary nor
rational to keep the lid on global warming.
1300-1400: Break for Lunch (dansk frokost) No free lunch, you have to pay yourrself.
Chairperson: Jan-Erik Solheim
1. John A. Permentola: Celestial mechanics and the termination of the Holocene Warm Period
2. Eva Marie Brekkestø (Stein Bergsmark): Climate in Europe in the Little Ice Age.
3. Jan-Erik Solheim: Gulf Stream beat and Barents Sea Ice edge periodic variations.
4. Harald Yndestad: “The Little Ice Age” covers a period from 1330 to 2150 AD. (ZOOM)
5. Discussion related to both sessions.
You can register for the seminar here:
Da jeg aldrig har været på DTU spørger jeg lige om bygning 101 er den der ligger ved Polyteknisk boghandel og ud til parkeringsområdet, hvor Oticonsalen ligger?
Mvh. Lianne Hansen
Ja, den store grå bygning af beton og glas, hvor Polyteknisk Boghandel også holder til.